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Brake lite problems

Hi again, Y'all,

Well, here I am again with more problems.  :-(

Now my brake lights are not working at all.  The ground connections look
good.  The bulbs are OK.  I suspect that the switch on the brake pedal
may be faulty.  Just one problem.  I couldn't find a switch on the pedal. :-(


Oh, I'm dealing with an '89 200TQ.

I did find a pair of wires connected to what SHOULD be the brake master 
cylinder.  They loint slightly upward and forward as they come out of the
master cylinder(^ that's s'posed to be a "p" above here).  Have I found the 
wires for the switch.  If I have, how in the name of heaven do I replace a 
bad switch?  It ain't nuthin' like I expexted to find.  (Maybe I should get
me a set of Bentleys?)

Recent repair history:
turbocharger intercooler replaced
turbocharger hose replaced
several belts replaced
brake pressure accumulator replaced
left front wheel bearings replaced

Coming up:
brake pads all around
struts inserts

My project for the coming week:  get the bloomin' brake lights working.

Any suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated.

Bob  __________________________________________________      ^_____^
    | Robert L. (Bob) Myers  <RMyers@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU> |    /       \
    |__________________________________________________|   (  O _ O  )
            Love M'Audi - Love M'Bimmer.                    \  (_)  /
       Siberian Huskies are better than either!              |  U  |