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re: Brake lite problems


You might want to check the wiring that goes from the left trunk area and 
connects to the truck lid. It runs next to the left side hinge. Myself and 
others have had problems with the wiring breaking and fraying from the 
constant flexing caused by opening and closing the trunk.

"Robert (Bob) Myers" <RMYERS@WVNVAXA.WVNET.EDU> Wrote:
| Hi again, Y'all,
| Well, here I am again with more problems.  :-(
| Now my brake lights are not working at all.  The ground 
| connections look
| good.  The bulbs are OK.  I suspect that the switch on the 
| brake pedal
| may be faulty.  Just one problem.  I couldn't find a switch 
| on the pedal. :-(
| Duh.
| Oh, I'm dealing with an '89 200TQ.
| I did find a pair of wires connected to what SHOULD be the 
| brake master 
| cylinder.  They loint slightly upward and forward as they 
| come out of the
| master cylinder(^ that's s'posed to be a "p" above here).  
| Have I found the 
| wires for the switch.  If I have, how in the name of heaven 
| do I replace a 
| bad switch?  It ain't nuthin' like I expexted to find.  
| (Maybe I should get
| me a set of Bentleys?)
| Recent repair history:
| turbocharger intercooler replaced
| turbocharger hose replaced
| several belts replaced
| brake pressure accumulator replaced
| left front wheel bearings replaced
| Coming up:
| brake pads all around
| struts inserts
| My project for the coming week:  get the bloomin' brake 
| lights working.
| Any suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated.
| Bob  __________________________________________________      
| ^_____^
|     | Robert L. (Bob) Myers  <RMyers@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU> |    / 
|       \
|     |__________________________________________________|   (  
| O _ O  )
|             Love M'Audi - Love M'Bimmer.                    \ 
|  (_)  /
|        Siberian Huskies are better than either!              
||  U  |