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Upshift light failure-->vacuum leak

The upshift light died on my '84 4000SQ a few months ago.  I had
attributed it to a burned out bulb and didn't miss it in the least.
But the recent thread here got me to thinking about vacuum leaks.  A
bit of troubleshooting this weekend (mainly sucking on hoses) led me
to a broken vacuum advance on my distributor.  I guess that the moral
of the story is that not all vacuum leaks can be bad hoses.

Curiously, the only other car I had that developed a leaking vacuum
advance was my old BMW 2002.  Does Bosch have a problem with these


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John A. Mallick WA1HNL                    E-mail: mallick@crd.ge.com
GE Corporate Research and Development     Phone: (518)-387-7667 (W)
Schenectady, NY 12301                     FAX:   (518)-387-6560 (W)
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"Work like hell.  Tell everyone everything you know.  Close a deal
 with a handshake.  And have fun." --- "Doc" Edgerton