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Re: European transaxle in Bend, OR?

>I deleted the mail messsage refering to the above.  Could the author 
>please send the phone number?  I'm searching for a new ring/pinion set 
>for a transaxle for a '85 Jetta GLI w/ a 3.67 ratio. (Or if any one knows 
>of a source, other than a VW dealer, I'd be pleased to hear about them.)
>Thanks in advance,

I believe Rapid Parts carries these. Are they in our parts list? Their phone
according to the latest VW Pors.... oops Euopean Car Magazine ad is (914)
357-6611.  If they don't have them, I'll check my catalogs at home for the
right Company for you. 

Bruce Bell  bbell@csn.org