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Re: Pictures...
In a previous message,Mark Salem writes:
>Hi guys,
>I've started to collect some images at the Audi WWW Pages...check them out...
>Thanks to all who've helped!
> http://ursa12.cs.utah.edu:5000
Mark...Can you cut down the filesize of the intro pictures? 100+K takes a few
at 14.4bps. You could probably cut both down to 16 grays and get the filesize
down into the 20K range. That's no sweat at this line speed.
p.s. These are the pics I scanned in a year ago or so... ;-)
+---------------------| _ /| |---------------------+ Opinions expressed
| Chris Ice, CMfgT | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Co. | are mine and don't
| CMIce@mke.AB.com | ( ) | 1201 S. Second St. | reflect views of my
| (414) 382-2136 | U | Milwaukee, WI 53204 | employer. So there!
+---------------------| Ack! |---------------------+
Amiga 2000/030@33MHz -------- 1988 Audi 90 Quattro
- References:
- Pictures...
- From: Mark Salem <msalem@ursa12.cs.utah.edu>