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Re: engine stumble question

I have an '86 4000 Q which has had similar problems the previous two winters
(in Seattle), but have not had a re-occurance of it yet.  What we found the
problem to be was the winterized gasoline, some how the stuff they put into
oxiginate it made my car run roughly and made it stumble at times, sometimes
almost dying when accelerating from a stop after the car was warm.  We found
that using techroline more often helped, but did not alleviate the problem.
 Since we have moved down to the Palo Alto area this summer I have not yet
had the problem  (using Chevron or Shell gas), but the car is being driven
more often and for longer periods (the possibility being that the engine is
happier when it's not doing a lot of stop and start driving).  Then again
since you notice it happens more often when the fan is running, maybe the
winterized gas has nothing to do with it.  Just  a thought, good luck.  By
the way D & M Motors on Channing in Palo Alto is a very good shop as well as
Portola Valley garage (if you are willing to wait a week to get in these guys
are the best!).