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Re: engine stumble question
On Nov 17, 4:34am, Bubmeister@aol.com wrote:
> Subject: Re: engine stumble question
> I have an '86 4000 Q which has had similar problems the previous two winters
> (in Seattle), but have not had a re-occurance of it yet. What we found the
> problem to be was the winterized gasoline, some how the stuff they put into
> oxiginate it made my car run roughly and made it stumble at times, sometimes
> almost dying when accelerating from a stop after the car was warm. We found
> that using techroline more often helped, but did not alleviate the problem.
> Since we have moved down to the Palo Alto area this summer I have not yet
> had the problem (using Chevron or Shell gas), but the car is being driven
> more often and for longer periods (the possibility being that the engine is
> happier when it's not doing a lot of stop and start driving). Then again
> since you notice it happens more often when the fan is running, maybe the
> winterized gas has nothing to do with it. Just a thought, good luck. By
> the way D & M Motors on Channing in Palo Alto is a very good shop as well as
> Portola Valley garage (if you are willing to wait a week to get in these guys
> are the best!).
>-- End of excerpt from Bubmeister@aol.com
Thanks for the info. Someone else mentioned vacuum leaks, which is also a
possibility. I'll try the techroline gas for a while and see what happens.
-- rob
| Rob Reesor | Teknekron Software Systems |
| reesor@tss.com | 530 Lytton Ave., Ste 301 |
| 415/617-2217 | Palo Alto, CA 94301 |