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Re: 5000 brake booster (servo) & cat

Jim Healey said:

>>grumblegrumblegrumblegrumblegrumblegrumble...snow...fooey...(or words to
 that effect)

Ned Bennet said:

>sounds like you could use a cat

To me, it sounds more like you could use a husky or several.  :-)
With apologies to the cat-lovers out there in Audiland, they eat cats.  :-)
Just like Audis eat Chevys.  :-)

Bob  __________________________________________________      ^_____^
    | Robert L. (Bob) Myers  <RMyers@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU> |    /       \
    |__________________________________________________|   (  O _ O  )
            Love M'Audi - Love M'Bimmer.                    \  (_)  /
       Siberian Huskies are better than either!              |  U  |