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Re: Sport 90 vs. Jetta GLX

adams@churchill.columbiasc.ncr.com writes:
> Servotronic has it's downside, but what is it about the VR6.  It has no
> more power or torque than the Audi V-6.

It's a sweeter, smoother engine than the Audi V6.  (It's also more compact
but that may not be significant to you.)  Have you driven cars with both
engines, or are you just looking at the spec sheets?

> And it seems to be plagued with
> mechanical problems from reading r.a.v, European Car, Car and Gut Fahrt.
> Other than the novelty of the narrow V, I don't see it's value.

Apart from CAR's "lemon"
story on the Golf VR6, there sem to be few problems with the VR6 engines.
The one in my Passat has certainly been completely fault-free for 50,000
km now.

[ /tom haapanen -- tomh@metrics.com -- software metrics inc -- waterloo, ont ]
[ "any sufficiently advanced technology                                      ]
[  is indistinguishable from magic"                      -- arthur c. clarke ]