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Re: Re: AutoWeek/A4 Article

> > jafiluk@acs.ucalgary.ca Wrote:
> > |
> > | Question:
> > | 
> > | 	Has the a4 interior changed dramatically from the 
> > | current 90 series?
> no, it has changed only slightly.. the center console looks much the
> same as all audis, the climate control panel is identical..  slightly
> different looking instrument cluster.  audi has one of the better
> designed interiors, changed or not.
> i noticed that the car being photographed had a trip computer
> stalk, which means that they may have finally gotten a good
> supplier.  those of you considering the s6 and want a boost
> gauge will do well to pass on the '95s.

I actually got to see one of these in person while in Ingolstadt 
last Saturday.  There are more changes than evident from the photos.
The front looks like a small A6 (it was parked by a new S6).  The 
rear end looks more like a Honda Accord(US) than I would like (remember
in europe the Accords rear end looks like the Civic, not like the 
US Accord).  The overall appearance is significantly smaller than the
current 80/90 due to the tappering of the front and rear.  The head
rest are not the hollow center found on traditional Audis, but like
those found on current VW, BMW, etc.  The door panels look like the
current 3-er BMW, with the exception of the window/mirror controls. 
Also, the one I saw was the turbo 1.8, and the reverse gear was to the
right rear like Japanese manuals.  The dash cluster has two extra
gauges located above and between the tach and speedo.  The fuel and
temperature along with the two new gauges look considerable smaller
than the present gauges.  The sunroof was the tinted glass variety.
The one I saw also had the trip computer and the steering wheel like
in the Autoweek photos.


Daniel Adams