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One valve down, the final episode.
Hi everyone,
if you don't remember the previous episodes my timing belt broke
when I was parked. After a new belt was fitted the compression
test showed 0-135-135-140-100, meaning bent valve on 1.
There was great speculation on whether the engine was interferance
or not (5000 CS T '86). Dealer said 9 times out of 10 when the
belt breaks, valves go with it. Independent mechanics said "no way".
Anyway, as of this morning we know that the valve was bent
because "something got into the cylinder". The cylinder head has
some scratches all over it. The "thing", after it danced around, it went
through the exhaust valve, got caught there and the valve bent.
Now how is that possible ?
bad gas ? And how can a thing that big (big enough to do the damage) can go
through the filters ?
On a relative subject: The mechanic will only replace the valve. Since I
have paid for the labor significant $$, what else would you suggest that
is a good practice to change ?