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Req: Digital Storage Oscilloscope Info
Sorry to post this back to the mail group, but an attempt at
direct e-mail bounced ...
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 94 06:08:31 PST
From: steveb@newkla.kla.com (Steven Buchholz)
Message-Id: <9412011408.AA02551@newkla.kla.com>
To: Scott=John=Mockry%Mktg%TM@banyan.bv.tek
Subject: Req: Fluke/Tek/HP Auto DSO Info
That's quite an e-mail address you've got there Scott!
I am interested in receiving more info on DSOs for automotive applica-
tions. I am not a professional mechanic, so I am probably more inter-
ested in the lower end of the price range. My addresses are:
E-mail: s_buchho@kla.com
S-mail: Steven L. Buchholz
KLA Instruments Corp.
M/S A2-3400
P O Box 49055
San Jose, CA 95161-9055