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Re: '88 model 80 quattro

Here is a chart of what car has what engine in the 80 and 90
lines.  This is all from memory so I apologize for errors, if any.

These are referring to the U.S. models.  Of course, Canadian and
European models differ.

	80-m	80-a	80Q-m	90-m	90-a	90Q-m	CoupeQ-m
1988	4(108)	4(108)	5(130)	5(130)	4(108)	5(130)	-
1989	4(108)	4(108)	5(130)	5(130)	4(108)	5(130)	-
1990	4(108)	4(108)	5(130)	5(130)	4(108)	5(164)	5(164)
1991	4(108)	4(108)	5(130)	5(130)	4(108)	5(164)	5(164)
1992	5(130)	5(130)	-	-	-	-	-
1993	-	-	-	6(172)	6(172)	6(172)	-
1994	-	-	-	6(172)	6(172)	6(172)	-

-m = manual
-a = automatic
4(108) = 4-cyl 2.0L 8V, 108hp
5(130) = 5-cyl 2.3L 10V, 130hp
5(164) = 5-cyl 2.3L 20V, 164hp
6(172) = V6 2.8L 12V, 172hp

In Europe Audi had a 80 quattro 16V 4-cylinder, but there
was never a 4-cylinder quattro of any kind offered in the U.S.

    ///  Ti Kan                vorsprung durch technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti@amb.org
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