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Re: Augered in my 5000s wagon!
- To: Michael <quattro@swiss.ans.net>
- Subject: Re: Augered in my 5000s wagon!
- From: Robert Phillips <R3RFP@VM1.CC.UAKRON.EDU>
- Date: Thu, 08 Dec 94 22:17:30 EST
- In-Reply-To: Message of Thu, 8 Dec 94 15:08:40 EST from <moy@quek.enet.dec.com>
- Reply-To: quattro
- Sender: quattro-owner
<switch off the ABS when there is snow on the ground???
Call me crazy, but isn't that what ABS is for? Low traction situations are
what all of the manufacturers are claiming is THE place that people NEED ABS.
Are you telling me that if there is snow on the ground, that poor child that
the minivan adds show running into the street will become road pizza? I may
be old-fashioned, but if ABS doesn't work in snow, do we need it? I know
that it can pump the pedal 72 million times faster than me, but I think that
a little educated guessing would help in this situation.
87 4000S