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Re: FAQ so far... -Reply
- To: Michael Moy <quattro@swiss.ans.net>
- Subject: Re: FAQ so far... -Reply
- From: Robert Phillips <R3RFP@VM1.CC.UAKRON.EDU>
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 94 12:59:05 EST
- In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 14 Dec 94 08:57:21 EST from<moy@quek.enet.dec.com>
- Reply-To: quattro
- Sender: quattro-owner
<fire under the seats of 5000
There is a little plastic shield that fits over the positive terminal of
the battery. This is MANDATORY for safe operation.
The main cause, as I know it, for fires with this type of setup is that
people leave the shield off and the seat springs make contact with the pos.
terminal causing a short.