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Closing the 90Q Wheel String

Audi's futzing with wheels/tires reflects frustration with marketing a high
performance 4WD car.  Eagle Gatorbacks will reluctantly get you through a
heavy snow (including well-worn ones, as I learned), but the 4WD is
under-utilized without snow-capable tires.  The answer is 2-sets of
wheels/tires or good all-seasons.  TODAY there are some good all-season
tires, but that wasn't always the case.  But invictas?  

Bottom line.  I have the 15" Speedlines, 205 50HR 15 Goodyear GT+4s.  Tight
fit but NO interference.  Perhaps the speedo is off (which means I'm logging
fewer miles!), and I've noticed no performance deterioration at all.  The
turn-in is a bit slower (but a tad better than turn-in with Invictas I'll
bet!), and the ride is mellower.  I am very happy with the switch.  Next time
maybe 55s.