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Re: Redline MTL in Audi 4000 transmission?

[from Edward Armstrong]
>....has anyone used  Redline MTL in their Audi trans.? Several people
>in the rec.autos.vw group have used this on their VW's with good results.
>The Audi trans should be similar, ( 84 4000s ---> 013 trans I believe)
>since the owners manual requires a GL4 ,80-90W based oil. But I believe
>Redline recommends theirs MT90 product for Audi and VW's. Thing is
>MTL is about $3.00 cheaper per qt than MT 90. Any experiences with MTL?
>                -ed

I've used MTL in my 87 5000S for the past 2 years. It helps in the cold
weather to get 1st gear(for me). Shifting when tranny is warmed up seems to
be a little smoother, but not that noticeable. My main reason to switch to
MTL was to help me get 1st gear when engine is just warming up. Hated
getting stuck at intersections with no 1st gear!
my $0.02
BTW. Audi doesn't require putting in fresh tranny juice in the manuals. But
the juice I drained out was pitch black. Was the original factory juice
supposed to look that nasty. Probably had bits of sycromesh in it too.:-)

Ernest Wong
email: esw5@cornell.edu