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4000 Dash speaker replacements
This is in reply to the posts under CD player....speakers.
There is an alternative to just putting tweeters in the "unique" dash speakers
in the mid-80s 4000. It involves using the existing factory speaker and
destroying it.
First, remove the factory speaker. Second, remove the cone. Then take a hacksaw blade and separate the basket
from the top plate. With a little sanding, you can make a perfect surface to
seal a 3.5" co-ax Blaupunkt. With some small hardware you can fasten the new
driver to the original plate and resecure the assembly using the factory
hardware! Caution - when removing the basket, don't saw through the "studs"
that go through the dash, you'll never mount the assembly is you do.
I did this with my 86 4000s and it looks great. Factory at any angle except
directly above, then the Blau logo shows through. Very trick.
Hope this helps...