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Re: Help w/4000S electric window lift(s)
According to Marty Udisches:
> My questions:
> Is a brand new regulator/motor assembly my only choice?
> If not, is there a likely source to find this used? I've tried
> the place in Rancho Cordova, CA, and will try others from the
> vendor list, but are there used parts places that are more likely
> to have this than others?? There are lots to call :-).
> The new unit retails for ~$380 if memory serves; what would be the
> best source for the part new?
> My passenger window quit working this summer, and the rears have
> never worked since I bought the car used a year ago. I like working
> windows; any comments on the likelihood of swapping in manual window
> lifts? The Bentley manual seems quite sparse regarding info on the
> window lifts...
> Thanks for any help; surely I'm not the *only* 4k owner who's had this
> happen... Right :-)??
I had my 85 4000s for more than 5 years now. My driver's
window died about two years ago due to broken cable that all
tangled up. I notiiced that motor was still good however,
fixing that lifting and lowing cable assembly seem to impossible.
I think, if I remember it correctly, I bought used part for
around U$150 from used car part vendor, i think shokan(?).
Since then I had no problem. My passenger front window raise
and lowers really slow; however, the words of wisdom from
dealer mechanic was don't bother with it as long as it works!
You can find a good used part from reputable used part vendors;
for new part, I recommend checking IPC, MAAS or Carsen Audi.
Peter Yi