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I've owned a '90 Coupe Quattro for about two years (winters). I've read all
about how great these cars are supposed to be in the snow, but I've found
that if I give the car a little (really, a very little) gas while I go into
a corner, the backend breaks loose. Now, I would think that snow tires
would help the situation, but is this normal behavior? The Dunlop's that
are on the car appear to have plenty of tread... Is my Quattro system not
working (is this even possible)? Am I just a bonehead driver who doesn't
know how to drive in the snow? The best advice concerning winter driving
that I got from this list is that all wheel drive will help me drive more
slowly and with more control without getting stuck--and I have been driving
accordingly... but it would be nice to feel more confident in the traction
than the car has been exhibiting. Any thoughts?

Steve Keller