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Re: Heated washer nozzles
On Mon, 23 Jan 1995, Christopher Ice wrote:
> >Someone with the "cold weather" package, could you tell me how they are
> >wired? Do you have a factory switch to activate them, or do they turn on
> >with the defrost or rear defrost?
> I know the heated side-mirrors come on with the rear defogger...you might
> want to tie into that switch. Can't say I've ever had the washer nozzles
> freeze tho. You must be in a DAMNED cold climate. Mine work to at least
> -5 deg F (hasn't been colder than that for a while).
There are colder places, but it is pretty bad. Last year the all-time
lows were around -25deg. F for a few days, but this doesn't happen often.
It's just the accumulation of water and ice coupled with leaving
my poor baby out in the cold with no garage. I might add, when the cold
really hit, the Audi was the only thing to start. I rescued 3 of my
friends' cars and my girlfriend's . Hope I didn't jinx myself by saying
--87 4000S, 1.8L