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Re: TQC heater core replacement

from -RDH

>windows clear. Audi, in their infinite wisdom, of course disallow run-
>ning the AC and heat at the same time (*I* have since fixed that in my
>car), so you can't defog the air . . .

Tell me more, this has been one of my gripes on chilly + rainy
days. However it was a nuisance, low on the priority to get
attention, so I have'nt got around to it yet.

and from Steve Powers,

>The thing is still stuck and twists a bit too much. I tried liquid
>nitrogen and a center punch - no luck. I even tried heating, although

Liquid nitrogen ! I am impressed. Next you'll be saying,

" I have access to _any_ kind of welder I want."

Finally, to all the "bonehead" drivers out there, I agree.
Yes, the Qs are dangerous because they seem so secure that
gradually you feel more and more OMMNIPOTENT until suddenly
those rear wheels break loose, and everyone knows that
the main advantage of AWD is you get to crash at much higher

I have been there.

Alan Cordeiro