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Re: TQC heater core replacement

On Mon, 30 Jan 1995, Alan Cordeiro wrote:

> from -RDH
> >windows clear. Audi, in their infinite wisdom, of course disallow run-
> >ning the AC and heat at the same time (*I* have since fixed that in my
> >car), so you can't defog the air . . .
> Tell me more, this has been one of my gripes on chilly + rainy
> days. However it was a nuisance, low on the priority to get
> attention, so I have'nt got around to it yet.

I realize that I am bucking the trend here, but I don't want the A/C to 
engage every time I defrost, especially on bitter cold mornings.  I had 
owned only late-model(at the time, 83-86) Fords before I got the Audi, 
and that was one major complaint that I had about the Ford system.  I 
just disconnected the pig-tail at the compressor and had no more 
worries.   To me, the A/C seems to "drag" on the engine too much to 
warrant it on with the defrost all the time.

I am not advocating Fords, but is this an American thing?
		--87 4000S, 4-cyl