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Re: Tales of clutches,heater cores...

Hi Bob,

>Sorry to pick and choose what intersts me, but when you say a 944 Quaife
>will fit in an Audi tranny, what tranny do you mean?  Would one fit, say
>my 87 4000S 5spd.??  (4-cyl engine, FWD)

Sorry for not being more specific, I was refering to the TQC/4000 
transmission series. A friend who rebuilds Porsche transmissions got a call 
from a fellow who was wondering if there was a quaife lsd which would fit in 
an Audi coupe GT. He looked into it and found that the 944 quaife would work 
in that tranny, since a version of the  Audi tranny/front diff is used as 
the tranny/rear diff in the 944. So I would guess that it would work in the 
4000s, but don't hold me to it. :-) I have no info on a 5000 application. I 
thought about the quaife option, but not for long, given the cost of it. His 
estimate to rebuild an Audi tranny with new internals was $1400 and a quaife 
is another $1500 on top of that. I'll pass on this modification.
Dave Lawson  dlawson@ball.com