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Re: Hydraulic Lifters
In message <199502061530.AA28110@swiss.ans.net> HoekstraMC%DFEG%USAFA@dfmail2.usafa.af.mil writes:
> I'm sure this is old hat for most quattroeurs, but I'm unable to find the
> answer in the faq. Here is my question: how serious is that
> clickety-clack sound at startup? Do you just live with this? Do you
> change the oil viscosity? Are the valves adjustable?
Yeah, it's old hat to all of us, and we love it - it puts lesser mortals off
buying the cars we love and keeps the price down.
a) Yes, it's normal.
b) It's significantly influenced by the oil filter - Audi's "turbo" filter
cartridges have a non-return valve that keeps oil up in the oilways when the
engine is switched off. Not all turbos have hydraulic lifters - not all
hydraulic lifters have turbos. I believe the filters are otherwise
You might decide not to worry about it until you sell the car. Then have a
"turbo" cartridge fitted at the last service.
Phil Payne
Sievers Consulting UK
Vice Chair, UK Computer Measurement Group
Phone +44 385 302803
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