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Scott of PDQSHIP mentioned that the advantage from a 20v conversion may not 
be that much more advantageous in the long run as compared to the 10v.  Can 
you elaborate ?

	I have a US-spec 84 Ur, and for the past couple of months have been 
agonizing over whether to do a engine swap from a 91 20v 200TQ. Ned Ritchie 
at IA has suggested that in the long run, the 20v engine is more versatile. 
Although when you look at the modifications available from IA for the 91 20v 
Motronic engine, the stage IV mod with 2 E-proms and Lehmann exhaust manifold 
and a hi-flow turbo (not sure which one) resulted in 320 hp, at a cost of 
$3200. Not to mention the cost of labor and a 91 20v Motronic engine. (Last 
quote from Shokan was around $7000 includind all the necessary parts for the 
conversion)  PDQSHIP Scott has achieve the same level of performance with his 
10v engine with considerably less cost. Has anyone out there done a similar 
20v conversion? Any comments ? 
