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Fwd: leakin' brake fluid

-- [ From: Dariusz Leszko * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

------- FORWARD, Original message follows -------

> Date: Wednesday, 15-Feb-95 09:36 AM
> From: Tom Leveckis             \ Internet:    
> To:   Dariusz Leszko           \ PRODIGY:     (NWDC19C)
> Subject: leakin' brake fluid
> Hello everyone,
> I am leaking brake fluid from the bottom of my brake fluid resivoir.
> noticed that between  the tank and the assembly connecting it to the
> master cylinder are some rubber bushings or something like that. Has
> one ever had a leak of the same nature, through those  rubber
> bushing/gaskets?
> Thanks,
> Tom

------- FORWARD, End of original message -------

Are you sure its not the Governor?(proportioning Valve)
I had the same problem on my 87 4000Q, Had to change the whole thing.
Dariusz Leszko
1987 4000cs Q