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Re: License Plates

John Eickerman said:

> wouldn't wreak havoc on the plates.  They are a part of your car, so why
> not make them look good.  Also, I put the clear covers on, the smoke 
> covers will get you a nice ticket here in Washington also.  Hey, we don't 
> pay state income tax here though, so there.  I wonder if the plastic cover 
> cuts down the reflectivity of the plates, as in certain areas of this 
> state, the WASPs (WAshington State Patrol) use laser-guns for speed 
> control, and aim for the plates.  It has been speculated that these 
> lasers, if pointed at
> the windshield, could blind the driver/passenger, so aim for the plates.  

FWIW, I have see ntwo types of clear covers advertised.  I do not use these
products and can not vouch for their effectivemess, although I have heard
that they work:

The first is a "Laser-absorbing cover".  It is made of some type of clear
plastic that must reflect less than regular glossy covers.  It is true that
police will most likely aim at the licence plate as it usually reflects the
most light and is a flat surface.

The second cover I've seen advertised is one which only allows the plate to
be visible within certain degrees of angle from head-on.  This has been
developed to overcome photo-radar which shoots at a certain anle (outside the
range of these plate covers).

Both of these products (especially the latter) supposedly work very well. 
The second cover described is illegal in certain states. (But then again, so
is speeding).