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Re: Scalloped tires?!? and parts appetite...

I posted this earlier, but seems like it didn't make it to the list,
possibly due to misaddressing or problems with coimbra...

> I also have an 84 Honda Accord that has a terrible problem with Scalloped 
> tires.  No problem so far on my 89 Audi 100.  Are you sure about the 
> problem using occuring in the rear.  I've heard it only happens in front 
> wheel drive cars. 

Scalloped tires are usually a result of weak shocks. The weak/bad shocks
do not return the tires back to the road after a bump soon enough and
the tire gets scrubbed when it hits the road surface. Braking over rough
roads accentuates this scalloping since the brakes slow down the tire
considerably faster while the tire is up in the air and the now slower
tire hits the (relatively) faster moving ground - and another scoop of
rubber is scrubbed off the tire.

Yes, in my experience, FWD cars suffer more from scalloping on rear
tires. Thats because most of the weight is upfront and even marginally
weak rear shocks can make the tires bounce around on the lighter rear
end causing the scalloping. Of course you can get scalloped tires in
the front also.

To the original poster with the '93 90CS: check your shocks, especially
the rear ones. If you have hydraulic shocks check for wetness or oil
leak on the shocks. Looking at the explanation given by your Audi dealer
("uneven tire pressures/act of God", etc) and the list of parts replaced
on your 2 year old car, I would question the dealer's competency and honesty.
Take it to another Audi dealer and if your shocks are indeed weak have
them replaced under warranty. You might also get them to replace those
acalloped tires since they were caused by bad shocks and which the
Audi dealer should have caught in time (if you've been taking your car
there for regular servicing). If you don't get relief from your dealer,
complain to Audi Customer Service. In my experience, badly scalloped
tires will not even out after new shocks are put in - the tires need
to be replaced as well.


Zafer Mehmood				   AT&T Bell Laboratories
zm@mhcnet.att.com			   Murray Hill, NJ