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Re: AudiWatch Update (Tm) #52

On Mar 13,  7:26am, glen.powell@smc.com wrote:
-Stuff deleted-
>   Vorsprung durch Technik,

>-- End of excerpt from glen.powell@smc.com

What the hell does that mean???  My (hers, whatever) '84 5kS has (had) one of
those dumb stickers inthe rear window, and for the longest time I wondered what
it said.  I was told that that particular car was bought in Germany for the
purpose of being shipped over tot the US, and since it came from a German
dealership they were the ones who put that sticker on.  I saw another '84 Audi
with that same sitcker, and the woman driving it actually pulled me over to
remark about my sticker.  She said that she HAD bought hers in Germany, for the
express purpose of being brought over to the states, and that it came from the
German dealer with that sticker, and she never got a round to removing it.  She
didn't know what it said either.  Anyone know the truth to these rumors???

87 5000CS TQ