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4000q motor swaps

>I have a '86 4000sq, and I want to transplant a 5000 turbo engine in >it. 
>It doesnt seem impossible, but not easy either. Has anyone done >this 
>project? What should I look out for? What about the computer and >the
>Should I forget about the whole thing? (If so, lie to me!)
>Thanks for all comments and suggestions.

You've hit on one of my personal pet projects! I haven't set it in motion
yet, but have been mentally working out the bugs for some time now. I'd be
wary of just a motor for sale, try to get an entire donor car if possible.
You'll need the computer, fuel dist, harness, etc. Be prepared to relocate
the battery to another location, poss the trunk. You may lose your AC in the
bargain, if that matters to you. Some exhaust fabrication may be required,
but shouldn't be too difficult. Your stock driveline and clutch should be
more than adequate to handle the power increase.

I think there's an article in the archives on this subject, also.

Others will tell you it'll never work, but have faith! I can't believe that
it isn't a more popular swap, but have yet to hear of anyone that's pulled it
off. (Except for Kemp's red '84 4000q, SCCA ProRally Open) He seems to run
into overheating problems, but I think it's just the rigors of

You're down in the CT, RI area, right Bob? Let me know how the project
progresses, I'm up in NH and always looking for an excuse for a road trip!

Chris Semple
'84 4000q
'87 4000q