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Re: Radio Questions
Reply to: RE>Radio Questions
i have some answers for you, learned the hard way.
> But the radio is marginal. Acts like it has no attenna, but it looks
like the car has two - one mounted rear center at about a
45 degree angle, the other internally in the windshield.
yes, and they automatically switch to pull the best available signal BUT - the
little whip in the back has an amplifier hooked up to it that burns out easily
and is a complete bear to replace - usually buried inside the C-pillar behind
all sorts of trim. my old 90 coupe q had that same problem.
> Also, no radio manual. Yeah, we figured out how to set the
preselects, and that DX = increased sensitivity ( not enough,
the dx switch operates differently than most - it affects the scan feature
only. when you're in dx mode, the scan will stop at more stations.
> But what is the ARI-Z button? It does not seem to have
any effect on the increased sensitivity for cowboy music... but
seriously, what does this button do?
it's for some wierd german traffic info (on a subcarrier) system. useless in
the usa.
> Thanks
any time.