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Re: RD confiscation/destruction?
Hi Glen and other fellow q-heads
> Good points all, Bart. Clearly, contesting this type of thing is not for
> everyone. It's good to know I'm not *totally* alone on this though. I've
> actually tried a case in Federal court before (lost & didn't appeal, but
> didn't get any fine or any type of penalty or record whatsoever) and it
> was definitely worth the experience. It gave me some real insight into
> "how things work" and I'll never just pay a fine, etc. ever again, or
> just "roll over and play dead".
Two things. First, thanks for the gratious and kind words; second, my
compliments of a great rant, and *Lord* knows, I just *Love* a good rant!
(NO! You gasp(!) in amazed unbelief!) And C. (OK, So, either I lied, or I
can't count higher than the number of thumbs I have...Whatever. I'm not
exactly sure myself...but I digress <as usual>)
You make an *excellent* point about contesting any ticket in court. I'd add
a recomendation that you get a lawyer and contest every one. It costs more
(up-front) that pleading guilty, but it is almost guaranteed to save you
*POINTS* (the gift that keeps on giving).