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*switching to synthetic oil

On Tue, 28 Mar 95 Grant F. Lenahan wrote:

>I use 15/50 summer, 10/30 winter, mixed fall/spring
>(mixing, BTW, results in an averaged weight per the API).
         Do you literally mix the oils?  What does average weight per API mean?
  Maybee I'm just stupid, but I don't have the slightest clue.

         I have used Mobil1 synthetic 15W50 in the past, but thought it was a l
ittle too much of an oil for me.  It's a racing oil, and expensive, although it
 is the best.

         I have been using Castrol 5W50 Syntec motor oil for a while now and it
seems to work just fine.  I use it during the winters also, is this bad?  The w
inters here are mild, but the summers can be brutal.

         You also said "5/50 weights are a double edged sword."  What did you m
ean by this?  Would you care to explain.

         The previous owner used 10W30 turbo V motor oil--I think Valvoline, is
 this a good oil?  He changed it every 3k mi.  I made the switch to synthetic b
/c my mechanic recommended it.  I change my oil about every 4-4.5k mi.
         Why is a thicker motor oil better?  Can it absorb more heat--coat part
s beter?  Should I switch back to Mobil1 15W50?  What about winters, even thoug
h they are mild here?
                                      Stupid about oils,
                                          Dan Hussey
                                          '88 5kTQ