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Re: Tune Ups 87 5000CS Turbo (fwd)

 > All that being said ... if there are people who live nearby, I am willing 
 > to loan the tools I have on a short term basis ... just let me know!
 > Steve Buchholz
 > s_buchho@kla.com

 >           If you are in the Washington DC area I can loan you the tools 
 >           (there are two "special" tools to do the job) to change it.  I 
 >           think the tools are roughly $100-$120 for one and $75-$85 for the 
 >           other at your local dealer.  By the way, if anyone in the DC area 
 >           would like to borrow them, I'd be happy to loan them out.  You 
 >           can email or call me.
 >           Paul Souza
 >           souza.paul@epamail.epa.gov
 >           (301)926-1405

Hey, the tool pool's gaining steam! Boy, this shows again what a great 
bunch of guys (and gals) you all are.

Feeling Privileged,