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Re: Quattro Digest V2 #201
Clarke Paynter in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada wants to trade his TQC? This
is a curious thing. A city of about a quarter million. I own an '83 TQC
white. He owns an '83 TQC white. And this I have to find out here? What's
the world coming to. I mean, how many of these heaps are there? Clarke,
Clarke, Clarke. Call me, the old fashioned way. I can't trade you the land
yacht you're looking for but we should at least talk.
>Quattro Digest Thursday, 20 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 201
>In this issue:
> Re: DISC: Honda & Audi
> Re: 5KCSTQ-US lights? marginal (fwd)
> Re: 5KCSTQ-Euro lights? Coupe GT Euros?
> Ur-quattro Trade???
> Re: unasked boost question
> 4 D60 A2's 4sale
> Re: 5KCSTQ-Euro lights? Coupe...
> Re: No Subject
> Re: Tires of the IA man
> Re: unasked boost question
> Source for Schrick cams
> Euro lights group purchase
> Re: A8
> Re: Euro lights group purchase
> Re: A8
> Re: A8
> Re: Source for Schrick cams
>See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the quattro
>or quattro-digest mailing lists.
>From: Tak Cheung <tcheung@gandalf.rutgers.edu>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 13:17:04 -0400
>Subject: Re: DISC: Honda & Audi
>You know, the think the new Acura TL cars look like the A6 :)
>From: zm@mhcnet.att.com (Zafer Mehmood [209])
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 13:17:07 +0500
>Subject: Re: 5KCSTQ-US lights? marginal (fwd)
>>From aol.com!PDQSHIP@ig2.att.att.com Thu Apr 20 12:57:44 1995
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 12:24:11 -0400
>From: aol.com!PDQSHIP@ig2.att.att.com
>Orig-From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
>To: zm@mhcnet
>Cc: quatrtro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Re: 5KCSTQ-US lights? marginal
>Agree that the 5ktq lites leave much to be desired @ US specs.... and the hi
>watt 9004 give little to marginal improvement......
>From: bbell@csn.net (Bruce Bell)
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:23:46 -0600
>Subject: Re: 5KCSTQ-Euro lights? Coupe GT Euros?
>>Improving factory lights has shown mixed results with several people
>>on this list. Using higher wattage bulbs requires rewiring with relays;
>>and causes melted sockets. The beam pattern itself is bad on these
>>US DOT lamps; adding more powerful bulbs helps very little with a
>>diffused, scattered and unfocused beam pattern. The other alternative
>>is to add auxiliary lights to supplement the headlamps - holes in the
>>bumper, wiring, and all that.
>Correct. If you add the euro lights it is also reccomended you install
>relays as well. The relays will save your headlight switch from cooking.
>According to John Beckius at Sport Wheels Ned found this out with his
>daughters 4000Q.
>bbell@csn.net (Bruce Bell)
>From: PAYNTER_at_HALIFAX1@ccmail.worldcom.com
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 14:07:32 CST
>Subject: Ur-quattro Trade???
> I have a 1983 Ur-quattro, White, brown leather, 137,000 klm running,
> but needs some work. I would consider trade with motorhome Class A or
> C.
> But try to tempt me.
> Thanks
> E.Clarke Paynter
> 83 Ur-quattro
> 83 Coupe GT
> 84 Coupe GT
> 86 4000s
>From: bruceh@garlic.com (Bruce Hochuli (Ventana Computer Corp.))
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 12:47:57 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: Re: unasked boost question
>> Greetings All,
>> While it seems we've discused nearly all aspects of power increases
>> through greater boost etc. There has been little discussion of the
>> negative aspects. How is valve-guide-seat longevity affected, or turbo
>> life expectancy. The way I see it, if the Ur-qs can safely make 250+ HP
>> with just computer and boost mods then the engineers wouldn't have let
>> the car leave the factory with a measly 160hp. Does gas milage suffer
>> that dramatically? (not that I'm worried, but it could explain audis
>> conservative output, its sort of difficult to sell a car that gets 10
>> MPG). I have the highest regards for the Audi engineers, I bow my head and
>> give thanks to them each time I start my car (perhaps THIS is why MY UR-q
>> is reliable). I figure the car was designed to make 160hp for a reason.
>> To me, I guess, these computer mods seem too cheap and easy... There must
>> be a catch..hmm.
>> Vorsprung Durch Skeptic
>> Rod Wiggins
>> <rwiggins@rs6000.baldwinw.edu>
>I modified my 82TQC to ~250-260 hp 8 years and 100,000 miles ago. I have
>had no problems with the engine or the driveline. I replaced the stock
>clutch @ 125,000 miles. I average 19 mpg and have to pound the car to
>get it lower than that. MANY other things have broken or worn out, some
>of which just amaze me (the gas tank for example). I think of the
>drive train as bulletproof. I did have to replace the exhaust manifold
>and its studs but I think that is considered normal for this car.
>From: Andrew Shea <anshea@anselm.edu>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 15:59:12 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: 4 D60 A2's 4sale
> To all,
> I have 4 D60 A2's for sale. Two are in great condition, two are
>pretty well worn. The two that are worn were the front tires and are
>worn because the previous owner did not realize that htere was some
>major front end work to be done.
> The price is $85+shipping.
> E-mail me at anshea@hawk.anselm.edu.
> Andrew Shea
>From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:30:32 -0400
>Subject: Re: 5KCSTQ-Euro lights? Coupe...
>The lites are the same avant and sedan 5kt, 5ktq, and 200t and 200tq 86-92
>and if you compare them to the h1/h4 the 9004 and the beam pattern of the US
>lenses, they are not good at all....
>From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:36:38 -0400
>Subject: Re: No Subject
>No the 86-88 q have the heaviest duty components of any of the q's, you
>should have no worries.... Regarding boost pressure my 2.0-2.3 is guage
>(which is absolute pressure, me thinks , given that .9-1.0bar is atmosheric
>pressure)..... You may want to read some of teh earlier posts regarding
>superchips b4 you get one....
>87 5ktqRS2 @ 350hp
>From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:44:48 -0400
>Subject: Re: Tires of the IA man
>Yes,225/50 on a 16 X 7.5 BBS wheel (goodyear GSC-S's lookin pretty new I
>might add, mmmmucho danaro) on his 86 with cut arched and flared fenders....
> A 225/50 on a 15 inch rim will only work if you go to a 7in wheel, me if I
>was takin the jump I go after the 16's......
>From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:49:57 -0400
>Subject: Re: unasked boost question
>Yep, started my mods at 80k, now 350 horse at 140k, and I'm still on the last
>of the original clutch.... My gas mileage with the RS2 (2.3 bar max with
>schrick 272 cam) around town (I do drive it hard) is 16 if I'm lucky.....
> No prollums and lots of fun, audi built em like tanks, tweek away...
>From: Andrew Duane USG/PE <duane@zk3.dec.com>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:55:44 -0500 (EDT)
>Subject: Source for Schrick cams
>Where is a good place to get Schrick cams for decent $$$?
>I'm seriously thinking about one for my 100Q. Gotta get a
>few more horses under there, and the K&N only takes me so far.
>- --
>Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7) duane@zk3.dec.com
>Digital Equipment Corporation (603)-881-1294
>110 Spit Brook Road http://www.zk3.dec.com/~duane
>M/S ZKO3-3/U14
>Nashua, NH 03062-2698
>Only my cat shares my opinions, and she can't even spell "Schrick".
>From: zm@mhcnet.att.com (Zafer Mehmood [209])
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 17:14:18 +0500
>Subject: Euro lights group purchase
> So far I have 6 people interested in the Euro lights group
>purchase. The names, etc are shown below. Please let me know what
>timeframe you will be willing to purchase these. Also please send
>me any missing info.
>It appears that we can get considerable savings on a group purchase.
>One place I called today (Ron's parts) is willing to bring down their
>already low (relatively) price of $650/pair to $595. This includes
>both the headlamps with the integrated side markers, wiring harness
>adapters/sockets and the bulbs (H4 55/65W ?). Compare this $595/pair
>price to the non-group-purchase price of $900/pair from Shokan and
>$1300/pair from Europart. There are other suppliers that I can call
>but I'd like to firm up the number of people interested so I can
>negotiate the lowest price possible with a higher number of units
>ordered. As a reference, the Audi list price for the crappy, US DOT
>headlamps is $490/pair (no bulbs, etc).
>If there are any 4000 owners out there who are interested, speak up
>too! The standard (without the bulk discount) price for the 4000
>Euro lights is only $395/pair!
>I know Ned Ritchie at IA also sells Euro lights. May be Mike Spiers
>can also ask him about a lower price for the lights when he calls for
>the computer mods on Tuesday.
>Here are the people who've shown interest so far. I need confirmation
>and any missing info from you:
>Name Car When Email
>- ---- --- ---- -----
>Zafer Mehmood 87 5KTQ ASAP zm@mhcnet.att.com
>Graydon Stuckey 86 5KTQ ? graydon@apollo.gmi.edu
>Matt Bartholomew 88 5KTQ ? BARTHOML@snyalfva.cc.alfredtech.edu
>Jim ? ? ? Slprywheel@aol.com
>Rolf Mair ?? 5KT ? waves@epix.net
>Glenn Kaufman* ?? Coupe GT ? Glenn_Kaufman.LOTUS@crd.lotus.com
>* - Glenn, I need your car's model year, turbo/non-turbo, etc. Ron's parts
>didn't show a listing for the Coupe GT euro lights but with more info
>from you I may be able to track them down.
>If anyone can suggest any parts suppliers for Euro lights, that'll
>be great! I'm trying the usual ones from the parts vendor list.
>- -----------------------------------------------------------------
>Zafer Mehmood AT&T Bell Laboratories
>zm@mhcnet.att.com Murray Hill, NJ
>From: "Graydon D. Stuckey" <graydon@apollo.gmi.edu>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 17:46:57 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Re: A8
> I drove the A8 last fall. It is fabulous! It has a
>ehcsrop-licensed tiptronic transmission, and Torsen diffs. The
>suspension is a rather ingenious design that improves stability, and
>feel. It looks fantastic also. Very muscular looking.
> The salesmen I talked to at the Detroit Auto show said that the
>A8 would probably be here by the fall. Another district manager
>confirmed that but also added that they were having discussions about
>price, as it is very expensive in Europe.
> As for the 4.2 litre engine, I wouldn't worry about it. The car
>would keep up with our 300HP Cadillac STSs quite easily, and when the
>weather turns, there is no contest!
>Graydon D. Stuckey
>'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro '83 Mazda RX7, SCCA Solo II F-Prepared
>'83 Mazda RX7, street car '85 Mazda RX7, street car
>- --------------------------------------------------------------------
>GDS Racing (810) 733-7383
>4081 Sheraton Drive, EMAIL:graydon@apollo.gmi.edu
>Flint, MI 48532
>- --------------------------------------------------------------------
>From: "Graydon D. Stuckey" <graydon@apollo.gmi.edu>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 18:00:14 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Re: Euro lights group purchase
> I am on hold for now. I am going to try to fit a set of Cadillac
>STS Euro lights in the next few weeks. They are scrapping out a
>euro-spec STS and I might be able to get theheadlights. I haven't
>checked real close yet, butthey look like they might fit
>reasonably.Ifthis continues, I'll hav to call it an Audillac, or a Caddi.
>Graydon D. Stuckey
>'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro '83 Mazda RX7, SCCA Solo II F-Prepared
>'83 Mazda RX7, street car '85 Mazda RX7, street car
>- --------------------------------------------------------------------
>GDS Racing (810) 733-7383
>4081 Sheraton Drive, EMAIL:graydon@apollo.gmi.edu
>Flint, MI 48532
>- --------------------------------------------------------------------
>From: steveb@newkla.kla.com (Steven Buchholz)
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 15:27:30 PDT
>Subject: Re: A8
>> As for the 4.2 litre engine, I wouldn't worry about it. The car
>> would keep up with our 300HP Cadillac STSs quite easily, and when the
>> weather turns, there is no contest!
>Thanks for the info Graydon ... I must admit that I am somewhat envious of
>your ability to drive all of these wonderful vehicles. I'm not surprised
>that the A8 can keep up even though the engine is smaller ... that is one
>of the benefits of the lower weight afforded by the all aluminum construction
>(As I'm sure you're quite aware). Kinda reminiscent of a coupla guys in
>racing history, what were the names? .... Chapman and Porsche I believe.
>[I know that there were others too, but those were the first to come to
>my mind].
>Steve Buchholz
>From: chan@seattleu.edu (Anthony K.B. Chan)
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 15:28:58 PDT
>Subject: Re: A8
>I saw the A8 in Ala Moana Cutter Audi/VW/Porsche/Rolls Royce in Honolulu
>back in X'mas. I presume is already available in the US. The was only one
>there, it was a dark metallic brown one. I didn't look at it very closely
>though since I was running real late to pickup my sister's car from
>the service department. I wish I got time to go back the next day to
>check it out but I was flying back to Seattle on a noon flight.
>From: "Bob D'Amato" <Bob.Damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com>
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 18:06:56 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Re: Source for Schrick cams
>On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, Andrew Duane USG/PE wrote:
>> Where is a good place to get Schrick cams for decent $$$?
>> I'm seriously thinking about one for my 100Q. Gotta get a
>> few more horses under there, and the K&N only takes me so far.
>I was interested in these as well for my 90Q 20V. Are the gains worth it?
>DO I lose low end driveability? Now so worried about mpg, but am
>concerned about emissions.
>I dont get on cam until 4K+, would like to get on sooner, but stay till
>redline like now.
>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'69 Mustang for sale!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>Bob D'Amato |Information and Technology Center
>Southern New England Telephone |
>Voice: 203-771-7081 |mx@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
>Fax: 203-773-3398 | or
>Pager: no Way!!!!! |bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
> http://starfleet.itc.snetlink.com/stuff/delta.html
>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>End of Quattro Digest V2 #201
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