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Re: Info from TAP [long]
Thank you very much for providing this information to us Steve. I *really*
appreciate you taking your time to help us gather information to make an
informed decision on the upgrade issue. I also really appreciate Trevor
being so forthcoming with the information that he did provide. I did want
to make a couple of points though ... I will excerpt a little of the original
message out of order. I'll try not to ramble .......
> As a final note, and somewhat personal one, I am disappointed
> that individuals who have the intelligence to ask good questions
> on a sophisticated computer network do not seem to use that
> intelligence to verify what they hear. Both rumors and 3rd party
> reports have a typical tendency to dispel truth and fact. The net
> is a great way to get information, but I would suggest using
> that info mostly for reference. Investigate what interests you by
> going directly to the source and you'll be wiser for it.
> Oh, and remember: in the world of corporate combat you'll find
> that one company is usually always putting down another.
Generally true, but ...
I believe that because I consider myself to be an intelligent person, it
tends to make me critical of information that is provided by someone who is
trying to sell me something. I need corroborating evidence to allow me to
come to a conclusion. I don't know for a fact myself, but I understand that
Superchips is a total placebo, but I wouldn't be surprised if the "Trevor"
of Superchips would not make similar arguments as to why his solution is what
I should buy. This is why I look to the net for third party evidence of how
TAP's product really works, and how TAP does business. Furthermore, I spend
enough time typing in e-mails to get info from the quattro list ... I'm
likely to make my decisions based on info from the group alone. So now I
must use the third party report to try to evaluate how TAP does business.
It appears that the customer did not follow instructions ... but it also
appeared to me that some damage was done to the ECU as well. A couple extra
PSI into the pressure sensor should not cause a failure of the ECU! TAP did
replace the ECU (with a different unit), but it didn't sound like they were
very forthcoming with it. I have to keep in that I am getting most of my
information from one side only ...
> A good example has already appeared on the net, actually. The
> writer of the letter repeatedly refers to his boost pressure
> readings according to the cars in-dash gauge. Strangely enough this
> very same writer indicates early on in his letter that he failed
> to use a mechanical gauge from the start. At this time I would
> like to offer anyone who is interested a set of our instructions.
> Simply call and ask us to send you the 'waste-gate spring and
> boost level adjustment' instructions. If, after reading them, you
> feel they are vague or confusing, I would very much like to have
> your input.
The question that I have here is why must I be so critical in adjusting the
pressure at which the wastegate opens? From what I hear about the IA mods
this process is not required. I could understand that the maximum boost as
determined by the WG must be critically set, but as long as the overboost
protection is left intact the worst thing that would happen is that the fuel
pump would get shut off on me (at least that is what would happen on my QTC
when the boost got too high). Is TAP defeating the overboost protection in
the ECU? If so, what happens if my WG fails and I get a serious overboost?
New engine? The other question that I have is how much work was done to
alter the ignition timing parameters based on the new boost characteristics?
I'm put in an interesting situation here. Although it is quite apparent
that Ned is now quite helpful with dealing with customers problems, and I'm
tempted to go with IA for that reason, when I dealt with him a couple of
years ago it seemed like he was really willing to talk to a potential
customer, but when he found that I was an EE and wanted more information
about the FI/ignition system that he really didn't want to talk to me.
I've been trying to find an acceptable alternative to IA, but I'm still
a bit skeptical about TAP.
Any other thoughts?
Steven L. Buchholz KLA Instruments Corporation - RAPID Engineering
s_buchho@kla.com M/S A1-3400, PO Box 49055, San Jose, CA 95161-9055
(408) 456-6244 (office/voice mail) (408) 434-4284 (fax)