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New to the list...
Well, it's about time I'm on this list... I mean it has been YEARS that
I've been practically drooling over various quattros. This afternoon
we decided to pick up a '90 90 Quattro 4 door with 20 valve engine, red.
Great car, I'm sure a worthy replacement for our Subaru.
The engine was much peppier than I expected (I was SERIOUSLY tempted with
the new 90 Sport though), I had driven a non-20 valve before and it wasn't
nearly so impressive.
I'm in the process of grabbing all the archives, but wanted to post an
introductory message. While I'm here, I might as well ask a few questions
that don't seem to be too FAQy:
What kind of wood is the trim? My SO guesses Teak or light walnut, quarter
sawn. It's not TOO dark, with a parallel grain about 4mm apart. Looks
nice, but we're thinking about replacing a pannel that was drilled for an
alarm system... Probably won't, but it got us trying to figure out what
the wood was.
Rear fog light, is there only supposed to be one? I thought at first that
perhaps the passengers side bulb was burned out, but when I went to replace
it, it looked like there never was one.
How can I tell if I have heated door locks? That could be convenient...
I'm guessing that since I don't have heated seats, I don't.
Thanks. Looking forward to becoming part of the community.
'90 Audi 90 Quattro
'84 Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE
"We just wanted to give the band a little more thrust than most other bands."
- Donald Fagen's reply to why they chose the band name 'Steely Dan'
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo@tummy.com>
I got gasoline from 7-11 and my car stopped running. New gas, ran fine.