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>Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 12:14:12 -0700
>From:smarinel@Flint.Mines.Colorado.edu (Steve Marinello)
>Subject:Re: ReTAP
>>Hmmm.....  Not sure that's such a good idea steve...  I'm sure you have a few
>>posts to read after your down time, but I am having some difficulty with the
>>whole idea of having the tech guy from the aftermarket with access to the
>>net......  His last letter was a "sell", and not a soft one by any stretch,
>>and, I think DanS has spoken to the third party issue when we had the dealer
>>ad discussion....  And, in the interest of fairness, if we post Trevor, we
>>must post all the other guys who want access too:  Ned, Superchips,
>>Hypertech, Hoppen. ...  And to that I have strong feelings in opposition, cuz
>>it will become a flame war of misinformation (esp when it comes to chip
>>tuning) to "win" your business........   This is a very exclusive net, and
>>one any audi parts supplier would see as winning the mailing list lotto, cuz
>>there is no bigger bulleye in marketing an audi product than this net......
>> My feeling is that we keep the dogs at bay, and keep the discussion and real
>>world evaluations of any one's "product" in the net, exclusive of sales and
>>inclusive of evaluation to the net subscribers.....  This is the spirit
>>here....  We all must understand the consequenses of a seemingly helpful
>>third party post.....  The one from Trevor strenghened my resolve that we
>>have made the right choice to date.....  
>I feel it would be worthwhile to continue to gather and post information for
>those interested, that is, in answer to some of the tech questions tht have
>been posted.  As for putting out another comment from Trevor, I agree with
>passing on that.  However, others, like Steve Bucholz and I believe, Glen,
>would like to get some of these things answered, if we can.
>Waiting for your feel on that.