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vendor access (was re TAP)

>  ......   This is a very exclusive net, and
>  one any audi parts supplier would see 
>  as winning the mailing list lotto, cuz
>  there is no bigger bulleye in marketing 
>  an audi product than this net......

OTOH, what's to keep a 'net savvy vendor from subscribing to the list?
 Consider also:  the roster files are available without subscribing to the

Given what I saw on C*serve recently (blatant advertising for a chip manufactu
rer and competing posts from another dealer),  I'm inclined to vote against
vendor access to THIS list.  However, I think intelligent posts of material
from vendors is helpful--I seem to recall a cross-post into this list of some
materials from Peter Wales of S*Chips "defending" his actions in selling
modified computers as opposed to chips.  Helped write him off my short list.

Perhaps we need a free-for-all list where vendors can make their claims
(outrageous or otherwise) and open up themselves to our scrutiny.  When I'm
doing product research (personal, business, whatever), I do like to hear a
vendor/manufacturer's position and rationale, to see if it corresponds with
my understanding/common sense.  And, you don't have to subscribe to such as

my $.02.  thoughts?  comments?
