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Re: vendor access-how bout SALES
>>>>net. If the
content is factual and relevant to any question that a non-vendor may have
then the vendor is providing a service. The 'holier-than-thou' attitude taken
some is just plain childish. The net has grown up in the last few years,
Hmmm.... And when we post in fairness to Ned, Superchips, Hypertech,
hoppen, etc.... which of the Popes on the net will take on the
interpretation of "factual and relevent" (given that no one on this net knows
what is happening in the box for fact, just understand it)..... Yea the net
has grown up, but not in magazine ad format..... The can of worms you're
opening here needs serious consideration... If you open it, the net
immediately changes it's format.... And a lot of knowlegeable people that
don't Sell will be lost, I think that would be a not good thing.... Then you
have EC on the screen, Ads and all....... The net is driving its own audi,
but by definition we all have a turn at the wheel, driving smart is an
And, as I posted to another, think about the whole idea of selling a chip....
Once you have done your homework (or guessed as the case may be) as a tuner
of chips, the rest is cream.... There is no item you will sell that has that
profit level (100% - cost of yanking computer open and closed -1hr tops
@$400?).... At that kind of money, your bread and butter money, do you think
you will learn ANYTHING about what happens in that box from the guy tweeking
it? I don't think so, cuz there are enough of us out here that are not
satisfied with "sales" answers, but the caveate is, that if that tech
answered all the questions regarding the boxes, his company's bread and
butter money just went public.... Does anyone think for a minute that these
guys are that dumb? The black box is still a mystery, so these guys have
been pretty good about pat answers, that's not a "service" to anyone, it's a
sell.... That's not what you're looking to see posted on the net is it? To
me changing the format to accomodate "technically competent" tuners is not a
smart way to head the "net audi"........