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Re: RPM Limiter

>Jeffrey Goggin said:
>When I had Techtonics Tuning build a Solo II motor for my '85 4000, they
>told me how to bypass the rev limiter; I'll see if I still have the note
>with their instructions around somewhere.

I'd like to see this as well. The only method I've heard of to bypass the
rev limiter on CIS-E involves hardwiring the fuel pump - not something I
care to do.

I believe the '85 Audi (4cyl) already uses the "'86" engine map whereas the
vw vehicles used the '85. Converting to the '86 map just required cutting
one wire coming out of the computer - worth an extra 2 hp.  EC/Tectonics
also recommend setting the initial advance to 12 deg. to make the knock
sensor more involved on these cars- an additional 5 hp they claim. 


bbell@csn.net (Bruce Bell)