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Coupe Quattro/Jason reply

In Digest 234, Jason Snyder wondered about the price of 83 TQC's.

Well, Jason, I happen to have one. An '83 - Eurospec. And I've written about
it here for the last several weeks. It's in great shape and I'm asking
US$10K. Pix and video available. Write if you'd like more details. Or, pick
up the phone, call collect and we'll talk the old fashioned way.

                     (Bill McArthur        :      bmcarth@cycor.ca)
                     (Partner              :      h 902-477-4420  )
                     (McArthur, Thompson   :      w 902-420-1860  )
                     (& Law-Advertsing/PR  :      f 902-422-2369  )
                     (Halifax, Nova Scotia :                      )