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Robert Phillips writes:

>  The big question is "How much more?"  
>  For a few hundred dollars difference, 
>  I'd have a good aftermarket system put 
>  on (not M*das) and let it be for 2 years 
>  until it needs replacing.

When I had the '87 4000 csq, I couldn't find anything aftermarket but an
Ansa.  After prior experience with their stuff, I passed.  I was looking for
real gains from an exhaust, not just more noise.  I spoke with someone at
Borla, seeing if they had anything.  to paraphrase:  the factory exhaust, at
2+" diameter, is quite good, you're not likely to improve on it.  

True, the factory stuff is bucks more.  (I seem to recall $400 for the rear
muffler.  compare:  '88 Jetta GLI front & rear mufflers, parts alone were
$800, so I went with a Gillette powersound--$450 installed!).  On the '87
Audi, the original muffler was replaced at 2 years (I doubt it really needed
it, but the dealer did it as a warranty item), then the replacement lasted
till I traded the car--its probably still on there.
