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5kTQ: Questions
Hey Y'all,
Just had a few simple qustions about my 5000CS turbo quattro before I
leave school for the summer. These should be nothing compared to the normal t
echnically complex stuff that is normally discussed on the net.
1. My steering wheel moves around a lot over bumps and stuff like th
at. It doesn't feel very insulated. I like to "feel the road" in the wheel, b
ut I don't like it to move around on me. I was wondering if maybee some parts
of the steering mechanism were starting to lossen up and could be tightened? I
'm not crazy about the rather large turning radius either, but I guess there's
not much that can be done about that. I've heard a lot of upgrading just about
everything on these cars, but never heard anything about the steering. What d
o y'all think I should do if I want more insulation (less movement) of the stee
ring? Advice?
2. Does anyone have the number to Carlsen Audi on them. I know it'
s in the vendor list but, if someone has it memorized, ya know? OK, I'm just l
azy. So, sue me.
3. How much would I expect to pay for a new factory steering wheel
for my car ('87 wheel)? Just a ballpark estimate. Anyone done this recently?
4. What's the most informative and easiest way to find out technica
l advice on Audis, especaily quattros? I'll answer this one, it's easy. The q
uattro net, of course!~ TIA.