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Repairing broken timing belt damage on V8...Help!

Hey guys,

Yes it's three weeks later and I'm just now getting my `91 V8 back 
together after snapping the timing belt (at 85,000 miles).  Damage
was a total of six intake valves...all on the right side.

Now my problem...the car runs and has all its power (I had the heads
reground even though there was very little wear), except it idles very
rough.  Could be a vacuum leak but I don't think so--I'll check that
tomorrow.  Anyway, when reassembling the heads, there are little circular
marks on the chain sprockets that connect the two overhead cams on each
head.  The little marks are supposed to face one another when the crankshaft
is at TDC.  On the right head, the marks never quite line up no matter how
you set them.  It's possible that on the right bank my exhaust valves are
one sprocket tooth too far ahead.  Could that cause my rough idling?  The
engine runs great otherwise.  I'm 75% sure I assembled it correctly...but
it's possible...  Anyone have any thoughts?

Incidently, I had LOTS of problems with Linda@Carlsen during this ordeal.
I called three times to check on shipping my head gaskets.  Each time the
response was "...gimme your number, I'll check on that and get right back
to you..."  I have yet to hear from her.  The last call, I said to ship it
overnight--I was desperate to get the thing back together.  She promised to
get them out immediately.  That was one week ago.  I finally decided to put
the thing back together using the old head gaskets (Gasp!).  Yeah, I know
it was ill-advised...but the old ones looked good...and I couldn't wait
any longer.  Seems to have worked OK...so far...

Thank in advance.

Dick Meyer
Applied Research Laboratory
Penn State University
State College, PA