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Accelerator Dropped to floor
Howdy everyone,
Well, my car tried its best to leave me on the side of the road just a few
minutes ago, but I beat it, sort of.
I was driving about a mile from home, ready to head to Seattle when my
accelerator pedal hit the floor, and just sat there. The engine remained
at idle. I tried to lift with my toe, nothing. Cussing begins, and I back
into a dirt parking lot right next to me.
The linkage under the hood is fine, the problem resides with where the
cable connects to the pedal rod. There is an intermediate piece that
connects the two. The bushings that go into the pedal rod appear to be
just old and fell apart, so it falls out of the hole. I managed to slip
the part in the hole, and get back home, but kept pressure on the pedal at
all times, so it wouldn't pop out.
Does anyone have an idea if I can replace the bushings or will I have to
get a whole new intermediate part? I am guessing the whole thing, since it
is an Audi. This makes me realize that I should have another car in my
stable, so when the Audi dies, I can still get around. Also, should I try
out Linda@Carlson for this?
John Eickerman -- jke@halcyon.com MacZone -- 1-800-248-0800 x3997.