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Re: Brakes-82TQC

Congrats on the low mileage purchase,John!

I realize you feel the problem isn't contained to the rear wheels, but
e-brake cables have been known to freeze up on cars that go out infrequently.
Another option could be that the caliper slide pins are corroded and allowing
uneven travel, but you said it didn't pull at all. Hmmm, I wouldn't be
inclined to replace the master cyl with only that evidence so far. I guess if
it was *my* car, I'd jack up all four corners and rotate the wheels by hand
to see if anything's binding up. If you've got a problem similar to e-brake
cables or caliper pins, you'll see it in uneven pad wear in less than 1000
miles. I'm hestitant to condemn the brakes, but it sounds like somethings
dragging. If you've got access to a shop hoist, put the car up a foot and run
it in gear. Keep an ear out for wheel bearings and diff noises.

Hope this rambling helps,
-Chris Semple
'83 TQC