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Re: WARNING!!! Redline MTL

On Thu, 3 Aug 1995, Dan Simoes wrote:

> [86 VW Jetta GLI, 5 speed, 150+k]
> You may recall a thread a few months (years?) back about someone putting
> in MTL and having the tranny seals leak.  He called Redline and was told
> that basically tough, MTL was wrong and MT90 was the correct application 
> for his car.  I think his tranny ended up shot too.
> I wanted to try Redline, but was concerned about the right application, so 
> I called and was told that yes, MTL was right for my car, since it is an 80w
> oil and my car calls for 75w90.  So I put in 2 qts of it.
> Now about 3-4 months later, I suddenly discovered my tranny was leaking, which
> explains why 5th was having a hard time going in at times.  I feared the
> self-machining problem (86GLI, 150+miles) but to my delight it's only the
> seals.  These seals (or tranny flange seals as they are called) cost around
> $10-12 a side, but require 2-3 special tools to put them in.  So I pulled
> my axles (ordered rebuilt ones since I'm in there) and I'm having my mechanic
> come and do the seals.
> Now I need oil...  Called Redline and asked whether they thought MTL had 
> anything to do with the seals.  So she looks it up and says 'oh no, MTL is
> wrong for your car, need to use MT90' (!!!).  I told her this whole story and
> that I was calling to order more oil, but was uncomfortable with their 
> products.  I asked if they'd be willing to send me some MT90 for free as a 
> replacement, and to my surprise, she called back and said yes.  
> Moral of the story - do NOT use MTL in the VW trannys.  If you've got it,
> I would take it out asap.  The same may apply to Audis as well.
> Of course, my seals could have leaked simply due to age,
> but I find it a strange coincidence.  If it turns out my tranny is
> shot, I'm going to try to make them pay for it. 
> 0-90k: stock oil
> 90k-145k: Synthoil
> 145k-150+k: Redline MTL ---> leak
> | Dan |
> -- 
> Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
> ANS CO+RE Systems, Inc.		  http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
> 100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
> Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)

	I also looked into this matter when searching for a good trans
synth oil for my 4000s. I was aware that the MT90 was the "proper"
oil but I could'nt find it locally. Ended up using MTL and am very 
satisfied with it. No leaks and it cured a morning shift-reverse grid.
Been in there with no ill effects for ~30 K miles. 
  - ed