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Re: 200T Front End Noise

 > My wheel bearing tutorial follows.  

Great write up! Archive material.

 > I found a cheap puller at the hardware store to remove the inner race 
 > from the hub.

Was there enough clearance under the race to get the jaw under it?

On my '86 GTI, the inner race is right at the base of the flange 
(on the hub). There are two shallow "flats" that will allow a _low profile_ 
jaw from a puller to slip in under the race. I was almost ready to 
pry/pound/cut-off/detonate the thing off- frozen, only two jaws, and not
much contact area.

The latest Scheley catalog noted some changes in the part number(s) 
relative to what pieces are included in the kit. Also a neat reference 
table/matrix that describes individual washers/adapters on the left 
(with its part number), and the available kits (for different car makes) 
at the top.

-- Eddi